28.04.2023 Banks II#
banks set lending rate \(r > r^p\) policy rate and based on:
Risk of default
risk tolerance
amount of bank equity
degree of competition in banking sector
the higher \(r \uparrow \implies L^S \downarrow\) Liquidity Supply lower
Setting the Rate / Liquidity#
based on the interest rate
Formula for Rate $\( r = (1+ \mu^B) \ r^P ,\text{ with mark-up} = \mu^B \)$
Profit of a commercial Bank: $\( V_B = \frac{rL^S - r^p (L^S-D-e)}{e} -\frac{var(v)}{2 \tau}* \frac{L^S}{e}^2 \)$
r = lending rate
\(r^p\) = policy rate
\(L^S\) = credit supply
\(D\) = customer deposits
\(e\) = equity
\(\tau\) = risk tolerance
\(v\) = uncertain part of returns on loands
\(var(v)\) = riskiness of v
Terms explained:
\(rL^S\) = interest return on Loans
\(rL^S - r^p (L^S-D-e)\) = financing costs for credit not backed
\((\frac{L^S}{e})^2\) = Bank Leverage
\(var(v) * \frac{L^S}{e}^2\) = total risk of bank
Refinancing Options of Banks:
Interbanking Market
loans from CB
new deposits
What is the optimal credit supply? $\( \frac{\delta V_B}{\delta L^S} = \frac{r-r^p}{e} -\frac{var(v)L^S}{\tau e^2} = 0 \)\( rewrite to determine the mark-up \)\( r - r^p = \frac{var(v)L^S}{\tau e} \\ \implies L^S = \frac{\tau e}{var (v)} * (r-r^p) \)$ logic: when to supply more?
higher risk tolerance \(\tau\)
higher equity \(e\)
larger proft margin (markup) = higher incentive to supply
higher risk = lower supply
Demand Liquidity#
credit demand of private sector
I = autonomous / independent demand
a = interest rate elasticity of investment demand
how flexible are firms to „switch banks“
solve for r
leads to:
Conclusions: interest rate increases:
with higher autonomous demand \(\bar{I}\) :
more competition for loans (constant)
with higher policy rate \(r^p\)
because of passtrough
lower interest rate elasticity a
lower a = firms demand less flexible = less punishable = easier to hike markup
riskiness of loans
lower risk tolerance / lower equity
claims 3+4+5 further proofs needed
Information asymmetry#
Moral Hazard (ex post)
adverse selection (ex ante)
low risks dont want average rate, but high risks do
banks react and limit credit
=> banks require equity as incentive
=> in exam: do math and get points
obwohl diese Mathematik extrem kompliziert ist…