06.12.2023 Inequality#
Income Distribution#
Income: Amount of Money available for consumption at beginning of period
Measurement = Lorenz Curve
From Here: Calculation of the Gini Coefficient
market income = primary income distribution
disposable Income = secondary Income distribution
Additional Measures
80:20 Quintile Ratio (OECD & Eurostat)
World Inequality Report: riches 10% vs 50%
shared prosperity (World Bank): Income Growth of poorest 40%
10:50 Measurement (from World Inequality Report)
Development of Income Inequality#
Globally = sunken
Reduction of Poverty in East-Asia
1% has Grown a lot
Industrialized Countries = inequality grown
Reasons for higher Ineq.:
Reduction Wage Rate
Reduction union bargaining power
technological change
market power
lower tax rate for high-income earners
net Wealth: present value individual including \(Demands - Debt\)
difficult to measure
germany lower than other countries
caluclation of pension savings = difficult
also human capital?
Equity and Efficiency#
Pareto Criterion: make one person better off without making someone esle less
pareto efficiency
Utility Possibility Curve#
Set of Options that are pareto-efficient
Sets of Options of HH1, HH2 that are pareto efficient (except for C)
if at A = tyranny of the status quo
Measuring Inequality
ordinal: „a better than b“
Cardinal: „+100 for a is double better than +100 for b“
Trade Off of Redistribution
change individual behavior
effiency loss (work less)
also: positive effects of redistribution
Social Welfare Function#
Aggregation of individual utilities in Society
Requirements to an SWF
individualistic (based on indiviudals utilities )
pareto criterion (pareto-superior allocations = higher W)
inequality aversion (lower inequality = higher W)
Examples of SWF:
Utilitarian: \(W = \sum U_n(x_n)\)
decreasing marginal utility => inequality aversion
Rawlsian: \(W = \min [U_n(x_n)]\)
if nobody knows what position they will take in society
they will maximize welfare for lowest person in society
=> no right SWF! (or SWF itself are bullshit…)