10.07.2023 Tutorial 6#
I = „real/ physical“ Investment as Function of Interest Rate (negative):
\(I = \phi_1-\phi_2i\): negative sloped line
Function describes GDP as part of Investment and Trend
Inflation is influenced by price shocks (e.g. oil), output gap and expectations
output gap is unfleunced by aggergate demand
Loss Function for central bank with two targets (inflation and GDP / employment)
\(\tilde{y}= k \bar{y}\) = estimate of trend with k=1 is perfect estimate
a) price and wage setters are forward looking, incorporate exceptions into todays prices
b) explicti channel = Investment and interest rate, implicit = asset prices, exchange rate etc.
c) Barro Gordon: optimal i = minimal of loss function
d) demand shock and interest rate
Assumptions: no supply shock, no expectations
then interest rate only influenced by d
every demand shock should be counteracted by interest rate
when central bank reacts accordingly, output gap = 0, \(\Delta\) unemployment = 0
Umstellen von Equation 1: und i einsetzen
e) supply shock
supply shock such as oil shock
but here central bank reaction produces negative output gap
=> lowering interest rates in supply shock = instrument with side effects
f) central bank willingness
if \(\beta\) high, then central bank more focused on output gap than interest rate
b = 0, only inflation relevant, every (supply) shock will be absorbed by CB with rising interest rates
b = \(\infty\) , only unemployment relevant, CB will not raise i in response to shocks
=> b > 0 , then CB not as aggressive
g) 1970s
oil price shock, but not enough reaction from CB
inflation was getting permanent, expectations cement
CB reaction: get kore hawkish, lower b
h) Taylor rule
j) CB Miscalculates
interest rate with no shocks and anchored inflation:
misplaced guess: k < 1
output gap:
CB overrreaction, interest rate is too high
output gap is negative, inflation below target
k) presidents influence
short term: k>1, GDP above potential, inflation above target
medium term: expected inflation rises, inflationn remains high
long term: inflation higher than target level