17.01.2024 Tax Ineffiencies#
Tax system = balance equity and efficiency
without Taxes: Social Margin Benefit (SMB) = Social Marginal Cost (SMC)
with Taxes: Deadweight Loss, depends on
Tax height
elasticities (inelastic = lower DWL, higher tax rev)
Deadweight Loss#
DWL Formula (not relevant!) $\( DWL = - \frac{ \eta_s \eta_d }{2(\eta_s - \eta_d)}\times \tau^2 \times \frac{ Q }{P} \)$
\(\eta\) = elasticities
\(\tau\) = Tax rate
effiency depends on preexisting distortions
e.g. taxing positive externalities = very inefficient
progressive tax system = higher DWL
higher tax rate for rich = higher DWL
low long running taxes > short high taxes (e.g war financing)
empirical: DWL is smaller than in theory!
individuals perceive taxes different
they are used much better than private!
Optimal Commody Taxation#
by Frank Ramsay: ratio of marginal DWL = marginal Revenue
ratio \(\lambda\) = should besame for all goods
increase taxation on B
lower on A
-> elasticity rule: good with higher elast. = lower tax
but not good for equity (caviar = high elast, wheat = low)
Optimal Income Taxes#
optimal syste,
total income in society = fixed
same utility function
After = everyone same income
Lafffer Curve = bullshit, not empirical!
What to include in Tax Policy
vertical equity = high tax on rich
behavioral responses
Formula: \(\frac{ MU }{MR} = \lambda\) same for all
Tax-Benefit Linkages#
Earmarked Taxes: taxes collected and spent for specific purpose (e.g social insurance)
lowers inefficiency
benefits are distributed back
Example: benefits are valued same as tax loss